
Your contact to us

You can find us here:

TauglereiAm Dorfplatz 315423 St. Koloman Austria
Phone: 43 6241 26242

Café opening times:

Mon - Thu
Appointment Only
Fri - Sat
Appointments with Sara and Patrick Sellier by appointment

Your message to us:

Your message to us:


The big picture, design, style, sound, yoga and QiGong

43 680 507 78 33



Ideas, management, contacts, Ayurveda, advice, support and coaching

43 680 328 54 78

Karina Ronto

Coworking, events, creativity, strategy and marketing

43 624 126 242



Domestic dog and dingy yeti

Bella is our domestic dog. But maybe Bella is also the dingy yeti. We don't really know. What we know for sure is: Bella is adorable. Make yourself a picture of Bella and visit Bella at the dinghy or on Facebook.


Nobody can say exactly how old the house in which the duggling is today is. It is one of the oldest buildings in the village and was probably already used as an inn in the 14th century. A house where the divers came together to exchange ideas, celebrate and discuss the important issues. Some animals or even some farms are said to have changed hands here when playing cards.

Tauggling has a long history

The first documentary mention goes back to the 17th century, when this house belonged to the "Gut Perneggen in the Taugl" and thus to the Altmann estate, later to Lodron-Firmian. 1784 Ruep Rambsauer was already mentioned in the old files as a farmer and host mentioned. In 1761, Catharina Rambsauer received a license to be a Taferner justice (host trade). The later landlord Georg Rambsauer was also a farmer, mesner and first school keeper in the Taugl. In 1832 Kaspar Stöger bought the inn. The dock shooters in Radstadt go back to him. After his son, Leonhard Wallinger took over the inn in 1850. He was the first parish councilor (mayor) of St. Koloman. In 1887 the construction of an ice cellar was approved. In 1914 the old house burned down, but the masonry and vaults were preserved. It was not until 1971 that the house was renovated by Josef Wörndl. In 2002 the house was bought by Rupert Schorn and Heinz Seiler, then rebuilt and renamed Kirchenwirt. However, the inn was soon closed and used as the headquarters and warehouse of the Seiler Spezialabdichtung company. In 2016 Sara and Patrick Sellier moved into the old hall and set up a yoga and Ayurveda center there. In 2018 they were able to acquire the entire building and restore the house to its original purpose as an inn and place for the "zammkemma and zammbringa". They formed the dinghy into a house of creativity, liveliness, balance and development: a center of strength in which much is possible! Experience the diving and visit us.
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